Title: The editorial process and peer review
Main/Overall Objective: The goal of this lesson is to provide an overview of the manuscript lifecycle at a scholarly journal with an in-depth focus on the editorial process and peer review, and the advantages of incorporating preprints into the workflow. At the end of this module, students should be familiar with how editors make the decisions about publication, how does peer review work and best practices, and how the peer review process can be reimaged with preprints.
Section Content:
- Overview of the manuscript lifecycle at a scholarly journal
- Introduction to the editorial process
- How are manuscripts evaluated upon initial submission?
- Editors – a critical link in the journal-dependent publication process
- Can preprinting benefit the editorial process?
- Introduction to the peer review process
- The responsibility of editors in the peer review process
- What is peer review and where did it come from?
- How do researchers learn how to peer review?
- Best practices
- The final decision
- The evolving formats of peer review
- Peer review can be accomplished in different forms and platforms
- Transparency or anonymity?
- Preprints and peer review: Decoupling peer review from the journal
- Does peer review actually work?
- Congratulations! Your manuscript has been accepted! What happens now?
- Production and proofs
- Invoices, DOIs, etc.
- Exercise #1: Be the editor
- Exercise #2: Be the peer reviewer
- PowerPoint slides
- Peer review training exercise
- Sample peer reviewer code of ethics/peer reviewer oath
Lesson plan (~120 minutes):
Order/flow of lesson, the suggested order of doing things and associated materials for each section
Time (to devote to each section)
Suggested materials
Other resources
2 minutes
Overview of the manuscript lifecycle at a scholarly journal
15 minutes
Introduction to the editorial process
25 minutes
Introduction to the peer review process
10 minutes
The evolving formats of peer review
Reviewer oath
5 minutes
Congratulations! Your manuscript has been accepted! What happens now?
30 minutes
Exercise #1
30 minutes
Exercise #2
Peer review training exercise
- Concerning the manuscript lifecycle, what are the benefits of adopting preprints?
- Why would a journal have an editorial board? What do you think are the biggest challenges a scientific editor faces when handling manuscripts?
The Editorial Process
- https://www.councilscienceeditors.org/resource-library/editorial-policies/white-paper-on-publication-ethics/
- https://www.elsevier.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/95117/SC_FAQ-Role-of-an-Editor-22092014.pdf
- http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf
- https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-017-0927-0
- https://theplosblog.plos.org/2019/11/why-engage-with-preprints/
- https://journals.plos.org/plosone/s/editorial-and-peer-review-process
- https://bio.jmirx.org/
- https://www.frontiersin.org/about/publishing-model
- https://elifesciences.org/articles/36545
- https://asapbio.org/digital-age
- https://www.biomedcentral.com/getpublished/peer-review-process
- https://peerj.com/benefits/peer-review-timeline/
- https://www.elsevier.com/authors-update/story/publishing-tips/life-cycle-of-an-article
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1360859219303080
- https://libguides.victoria.ac.nz/c.php?g=622049&p=4333507
- https://brookesoa.blog/open-access/the-different-models-of-open-access/
Gautam Dey (gautam.dey@embl.de)
Vanessa Bortoluzzi (vbortoluzzi@gmail.com)
Iratxe Puebla (iratxe.puebla@asapbio.org)
Tara D. Fischer (tfisch17@gmail.com)
Please contact for further questions or issues with the lesson material.